Toad Hollow Trail Riders LOGO

Toad Hollow Officer’s & Board Members

Toad Hollow Trail Riders By-Laws

At the December 2019 meeting, some changes to the Toad Hollow By-Laws were introduced. Below are the By-Laws with the changes in Italics and wording crossed out. The changes were made for the election of officers and terms. The changes were approved by the membership in attendance.

Toad Hollow Trail Riders, Inc.


The name of this Corporation is Toad Hollow Trail Riders, Inc.

In accordance with federal law, this institution is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status.



The purpose of this Corporation shall be:

  1. Create and promote greater interest and safety in snowmobiling.
  2. Develop snowmobile trails with landowner’s permission.
  3. Defend local snowmobilers from discriminatory legislation, regulation and unfair taxation.
  4. Work with government officials and others toward mutual satisfactory rules for broader use of snowmobiles.
  5. Improve the public image of snowmobiling and promote better understanding between property owners and snowmobilers.


ARTICLE III-Membership


  1. There shall only be one class of membership which is designated as a (family membership). The “Family Membership” shall include all persons who are residents of the same household under age 18.
  2. Application for membership shall be made in writing, via online or in person.
  3. Membership shall run from April 1 through March 31 each year.


ARTICLE IV-Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will be made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, and 2 members at large that are voted on by the membership. The board will have 7 members.

Terms of service are for 4 years.

Five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the request of the president or any 2 board members. Meeting time and place to be determined.

The Board of Directors may employ whatever personnel they deem necessary and for which funds are available, to aid in the management of the corporation.

No Director shall receive any compensation for their duties.

ARTICLE V- Officers

The officers of the corporation shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

The officers of the Corporation shall be elected by the membership.

The officers shall be elected at the March meeting as prescribed in article IX.

The President shall be the presiding officer of all regular and special meetings. He/She shall appoint all committees not specifically derived otherwise. He/She shall be the ex-officio member, with the right to vote on all committees.

The Vice President shall assist the president in the discharge of their duties and in the President’s, absence shall act on their behalf.

Either the President or the Treasurer can sign all checks.

The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records of the Corporation. He/She shall file and keep all documents, records, reports, and communications connected with the corporation.

The Treasurer shall collect and hold in the name of the Corporation, all monies belonging to the Corporation. He/She shall sign checks, deposit funds and pay all bills. He/She shall make report at all regular monthly meetings.


A vacancy of an officer or director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.


The dues will be determined and in accordance with the New York State Snowmobile Association’s recommendations. Membership dues are payable on or before the 1st meeting of the new season.


The monthly meeting of the membership of the Corporation shall be held the first Wednesday of each month beginning in September thru April.

Special meetings may be called by the president and/or board of directors.

ARTICLE IX-Elections

Election of the President, Secretary and at-large board members will be in year 2020 and every 4 years thereafter. Election of the Vice President and Treasurer will be in year 2021 and every 4 years thereafter.

Nominations will be taken at the February meeting and voted on at the March meeting by the membership for all eligible positions.


At any regular or special meeting, a quorum of not less than 50% of the officers shall be present.

The quorum at any board of directors meeting shall consist of 5 members.

All questions of procedure not covered by these By-Laws shall be determined by the board of directors.

ARTICLE XI-Committees

The Board of Directors shall create such committees as it feels necessary to carry out the functions of the corporation.

A finance committee will do an annual review of the books. The treasurer, one board of director and 3 members at large will make up the finance committee. Members at large to be appointed by the board of directors.


All members of this corporation shall abide by the By-Laws and the purpose of this corporation. Violation or conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the corporation shall constitute just reason for suspension or expulsion, such action requiring majority vote of the Board of Directors. Notice of such charges must be sent to the person in question at least ten (10) days prior to the date for action by the Directors; such member having the right to present his/her defense at that time.


These By-Laws may be amended by two thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
The proposed amendment shall be stated in the notice of the meeting as required.

Revised November 25, 2019

Contact Information

Interim President

Chris Schaber


Vice President

Dan Bennett


Debbie Sawmiller



Renee Dwyer

Safety Instructor

Jennifer Lawton


Trail Master

Steve Frank

Groomer Manager

Chris Schaber


Board of Directors

Dan Bennett

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Greg Sawmiller

Board of Directors

Trail Information

Tim Taylor


Public Relations

Brain Gale


Membership Corr.

Sue Taylor


Web Master

Glen Woythal
